Reference Study Room 1 (CLP-Main (Oakland): Study Rooms) Capacity: 6

Thank you for your interest in booking a pod or meeting room on the 2nd floor of CLP-Main (Oakland). Please review the CLP Meeting Room Policy found here.
This open air room does not have a ceiling, so please be mindful of your volume when you are using this space. There are floor and wall outlets throughout the space, plus a table and 6 chairs. All furniture items must stay in the meeting room.
Lidded beverages may be used in these spaces, but food is limited to the Yinz Coffee area on the first floor of the Library. Please tidy up the space when you are finished.
Note: Only one space may be booked by the same person each day. The maximum amount of time is four (4) hours, and the maximum number of bookings per person per month is thirty (30). Scroll to the right to see the soonest available time you can book a pod or meeting room.
When you enter the Main (Oakland) Library from the front entrance, take the elevator or stairs to the second floor. If taking the elevator, make a right out of that foyer, walk through the Reference Department and make a right before the Info Desk. You will see a doorway to the stacks, and on either side are the Reference Study Rooms. If taking the stairs, enter the Reference Department straight ahead and walk back towards the doorway to the stacks. Reference Study Room 1 is to the left if you are facing the stacks doorway.