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Space Availability - CLP-Downtown

Thank you for your interest in booking a meeting room at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Downtown. Please review the CLP Meeting Room Policy found here.  

Scroll to the right to see the soonest available time you can book a meeting room. Click on the grid to choose your start time, then choose your end time in the dropdown box below the grid.  Click on the space name to see additional information about the meeting room and see a picture of the space.

Downtown staff reviews the submitted meeting room requests 6 days a week, Monday-Saturday, excluding holidays.

The Meeting Room Booking Form may ask for the Event Name/Organization for your event, this is visible to the public. This is the name of your event or organization. Use the name Private Meeting for bookings that are not open to others or for a confidential purpose. 

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding